The No Conditioner Journey: Just Shampoo, and a Little Qet

When we heard that two of our hair finishing products were helping Sami Marquez of Be Mindful, You're Creative, we were thrilled!
We currently don't have any shampoos or conditioners in our botanical arsenal of hand crafted treatments, but we can tell you that many a hair style has been saved, fixed, and freshened with our hair finishing products that we do have.
Meet Sami, a green beauty lover, a former multimedia artist and life long athlete, lover of the outdoors, passionate about Ayurveda, alternative medicine, and the creative editor, researcher, and influencer who educates others into the discovery of their own innate healing powers.
Click here to see what Sami's discovering on her No Conditioner Journey, and see which Qet products she's bringing along for the ride.
Hold on… let your hair blow… and here we go!