The Importance of Cleansing the Skin Daily ~ and the benefits of doing it right.
A Fresh Start in the New Year!
Detoxing cleanses, food cleanses, and closet cleanses ~ especially durng this time of year, these types of cleanses are popping up all over the place!
What about the simple task of washing our faces? This is a cleanse we do sometimes without even thinking. But... a facial cleanse can be so much more than just a face wash. What about a facial cleanse that also cleanses the mind, without harm and with complete effectiveness? In fact, a proper cleanse of the face can benefit the skin, as well as the aging of the skin.
We're diving in face first on this topic ~ literally! :) We're keeping it simple, safe, and clean. It's a clean start in this new year; we're talking about the simple and safe way to thoroughly remove dirt, pollutants, makeup, and impurities every day. We're talking about washing our face.
Cleansing the skin isn't only important for those that wear makeup, sweat, or get dirty during the day, it's for every skin. And yes, it plays an important role in anti-aging and our overall health.
This month, in this new year of 2020 (it does have a nice ring, doesn't it?!) we're diving into the truth and benefits of cleansing the skin.
It's good clean fun!
Face Washing Benefits for Skin
Afraid to use oils on your skin? Don't think an oil cleanser can do the trick? Read on.
Oils can do wonders to heal, hydrate, moisturize, and yes... cleanse the skin. There are oils for every condition of skin... oily, dry, combination, sensitive, mature, teen, hormonal... but not every oil is good for every condition of skin. Make sense? Not every oil is good for every skin.
It's why we have the three Skin Suites that we do! We're a serum based company and we work with pure, natural and botanical oils and the plant properties in their cleanest forms. Our skin is reactive to changes in hormones, weather, sleep patterns, stress levels, and sometimes it seems like even when the wind blows, our skin changes. Our different formulas address various changes in our skin, so if we have a condition change, we can tweak our routine if we need to.
Now, let's look at the obvious benefits of cleansing the skin:
1. Circulation is increased, which stimulates cellular renewal.
2. Pores are cleaned and refined ~ clean pores appear to look smaller.
3. Impurities and pollutants are removed from the surface.
4. Skin is refreshed and it allows beneficial hydration and moisture (botanical waters and day / night serums) to work without having dirt get in the way.
~ Skin Tip. Good skin hygiene ~ a safe, healthy cleanse ~
it is not only anti-aging, it is also age-defying.
How so? By not washing the face we may be inviting pollutants and carcinogens in, which can change our DNA. This may affect our skin's ability to not only fight bad bacteria, but also promote cellular growth and collagen.
Two things contribute to aging skin... 1. The Sun. 2. Pollutants.
Whether or not you wear makeup, no matter what type of skincare you use, pollutants (from outside, and even interior air) and 'day-dirt' will stick to our skin because of our natural oils that are on the surface. These pollutants may be harmful and have the potential to be carcinogenic (cancer causing). Washing them away at the end of the day is necessary and beneficial.
By the way ~ all of our products are vegan, cruelty free, and completely free of animal testing, animal parts, and animal by-products. Image of the face washing kitty: Cute!

Face-Washing Mistakes
Put it on... rinse it off. Is that all it takes? Not necessarily.
In our younger years, we may have washed with sudsy, sweet smelling cleansers that left our skin feeling squeaky clean. Now there are more of the 'gentle' milky cleansers or micellar products that some may be reaching for.
These types of cleansers can be a bit too 'cleansing' and drying, which can lead to a complexion that pushes more oil to the surface. Or... they're leaving residual ingredients that are synthetic or are potential allergens sitting on the surface making it 'feel' clean but it really isn't. This can clog the pores, cause inflammation, and make pores appear larger. Additionally, it can harm our face's microbiome and acid mantle that works so hard at naturally protecting our smiling complexion.
"My face feels so good after I cleanse with your oils. It feels so soft I can't believe it's actually clean! It is! My blackheads are gone and I think my pores already look smaller, too!" ~ Heather
Here are some mistakes to avoid when cleansing our skin properly:
Mistake 1. The water temperature is too cold or too hot. Use the right water temperature. Not too hot, not too cold... just right. Too cold will not soften and open the pores as well, and too hot may be too drying. Keep it tepid and luke warm.
Mistake 2. Using soap-based cleansers. According to Dr. Gohara, Dermatologist, "Soap-based products strip the skin of natural oils and leave skin irritated, dry, and more likely to be inflamed. Non-soap cleansers hydrate the skin and replenish the skin barrier, so the skin is much more healthy." Oil removes oil, and our oil cleansers are gentle and thorough. Yes, they remove makeup ~ no additional makeup remover is needed. We have three formulas to address various skin conditions.
Mistake 3. Using facial wipes. A facial wipe isn't a good product to rely on for your daily face-wash routine. They are often filled with synthetics, false fragrances, slipping agents, and harsh preservatives. They can be too stripping on the skin. Even though it may feel clean when you use them, once they're wiped on the complexion, residue from the formula is left on the skin, and the skin really isn't clean and free of irritants at all.
Mistake 4. Using a dirty washcloth or face towel. If you use a washcloth, use a clean one every day. Water and moisture breeds bacteria. Our oil cleansers remove all impurities and dirt from the pores and the surface, but remember it (the cleanser) needs to be removed with a clean, wet washcloth. A damp paper towel or large cotton pad will also do the trick. This not only removes the cleanser, but it whisks away the impurities, pollutants and makeup with it. It's also a good idea to switch out your face towel every couple of days.
Mistake 5. You're too hard on your skin. Be gentle to your face. There's no need to rub vigorously when using our cleansing oils ~ you can use them wet or dry on the complexion. Massage gently and let the formula do the work for you. Apply your cleanser in a circular motion that goes toward outward to help encourage the lymph to carry waste from the tissues and increase the blood flow.
Mistake 6. Cleansing too often. Always, always, always cleanse before you go to bed. However, if your skin is pretty normal, or dry, you may not need to recleanse in the morning; just a quick rinse, pat dry, and then follow with your botanical water, day serum, and you're all set ~ ba-da-bing! Acne prone or combination skin can benefit from an oil cleanse both morning and night. If you workout in the morning, remember to cleanse after that to start your day fresh and with your best face forward (a clean one!). Sweat is a big pore clogger.
Mistake 7. Waiting too long to hydrate and moisturize. You've washed your face, the skin is soft and clean, there's nothing residual and synthetic left on the surface ~ it's time for your antioxidant botanical veil, a.k.a. botanical water and day or night serum. Right after you've cleansed, get your botanical toning water and your well shaken serum... blend a mist of the water and 2-3 drops of the serum, and massage onto your clean complexion. Now you've locked in hydration from your cleanse, and your skin is moisturized and ready to face the day.
Here is a link to our video showing how to cleanse using our cleansing oils, and a screen shot from the video is below.
Healthy Microbiome = Happy Skin
We're human, and in all of us humans we have one very large organ. Our skin.
The main role of our skin is to be a physical barrier from foreign substances and toxins. Living inside of our body, as well as in our skin, is a big family of microbiomes. There are various forms of bacteria, fungus and even tiny mites, and they perform vital functions in keeping our skin and body healthy and working properly. Microbiomes play a big role in how our skin looks and feels.
A healthy microbiome works to protect us from harmful organisms that can sneak in, cause inflammation and even affect our immune systems.
Products that are introduced to the skin that are filled with synthetics and artificial additives can break down the acid mantle or compromise our skin's microbiome. It can be a snowball affect which grows affecting our ability to fight allergies and environmental sensitivities.
Avoiding stripping ingredients and antibacterial cleansers and synthetics. Using clean, plant-based, synthetic-free treatments (like ours!) can keep your skin's microbiome healthy and flourishing.
Should we Wash our Faces Morning AND Night?
This is a question that we get often, and the answer depends on your current complexion.
Don't scrimp on washing your face in the evening before bed. The importance is greatest at night so sweat, pollutants and makeup that has sat and accumulated on the face throughout the day can be whisked away.
This being said, it's only 100% necessary to wash your skin before bed. A morning wash may be optional for normal or dry skin. If skin has a tendency to be acne prone, skin may benefit from a morning cleanse. If you sweat during the night, or workout early, make sure you do a morning cleanse. If you sleep on a clean pillow case and skin is pretty happy, isn't not necessary to do a complete cleanse in the morning. A splash of water on the face and pat dry. Add a mist of your botanical water and your day serum and you're good to go.
Our oil based cleanser is pH balanced, will clean thoroughly, and will not overly strip the skin. There's no need to add a rotating plastic face brush or anything with bristles. We have botanical exfoliants that are lovely and gentle to use, and your fingertips are the only tools that you'll need.

The Eyes Have It
Safe and Healthy Eye Makeup Removal 101
Eyelashes have become a big business lately ~ literally. We've seen more people with lash extensions and falsies than ever before. They can look fancy and full, but they may be harming the lash follicle.
Our eyelashes are on a 4-8 week growth cycle, and the number of lashes we have in our lifetime is limited. Stress and tension mixed with synthetic products can affect the natural growth and strength of our lashes. Medicated eye drops can make the lashes dry, mascara makes lashes stiff, and not removing mascara before bed can cause breaking, excess rubbing can cause breaking, and lash glue and adhesives can be stressful on fragile lashes.
Just like our hair and nail benefit from healthy Omegas in the food we eat, our lashes benefit from it, too!
The best way to remove mascara and eye makeup is with an oil based remover. Our supple Eye Makeup Remover is a blend of organic coconut and castor bean oil, as well as non-gmo Vitamin E and other botanical oils that feed and nourish the lashes, and even the brows.
A small amount of remover placed on a cotton ball or a clean fingertip massaged onto the lash ~ gently! ~ and allowed to sit for a few seconds is the first step. Taking a cotton ball or tissue to remove is completely is the best way. I personally like to massage my lashes with my fingers so I know I'm not being too rough. Then I like to take a damp cotton ball or tissue and remove it. The cool water feels good and it helps the cleanser to be removed from the area completely.
"Great makeup requires an equally great makeup remover." Saying and image by Aniline Toxic Photography
NEW ~ How-To Videos
Yay! We're happy to share a handful of new videos with you!
If you're already a fan of our Qēt Botanicals treatments, these videos will be a great refresher for you. If you're brand new to Qēt, then these can help you find your way on your clean journey and get you started with great ways to discover our treatments.
We invite you to watch them on our website, or catch them all in one place on our YouTube channel here. As an overview, here is what we're sharing now:
An Overview of Qēt Botanicals It's the how and why we do what we do, it's about our sourcing ingredients, and it's what makes us loved and different.
Meet Our Skin Suites
Meet our Getting Started Facial Kits
How to Cleanse the Skin with our Cleansers
How to Exfoliate
How to Use our Botanical Toners
How to Apply our Day and Night Serums
Meet our Treat & Enhance Suite
Meet our Hair Care Suite
The videos are quick, informative, and remember, if you have questions you can always give us a jingle, send a note via social media, or email us at we're happy to help!

Your January Special
It's important. The benefits are often overlooked.
A safe, healthy, and thorough face cleanse isn’t only for those that wear makeup, sweat, or get down and dirty during the day… it’s for every one of us.
In January, SAVE 10% on our Balancing Cleansing Oil with Thyme,
our Hydrating Cleansing Oil with Lavender, our Restoring Cleansing Oil with Rose, and our supple Eye Makeup Remover. It’s good, clean fun!
Use Code QETCLEAN to save. Free US shipping over $100 and select your one free sample with every purchase.
A healthy face wash plays an important role in anti-aging and our overall health.
Inside and out… a healthy microbiome = healthy skin.
January Events in Madison
Wedding Planner & Guide Wedding Show
There's nothing like the healthy glow of a blushing bride on her wedding day. We're excited to share that we'll be having a Skin Studio pop-up at the Wedding Planner & Guide Wedding Show on January 11th and 12 from 11-4. Visit their site here for more details.
Well Expo
We'll be having a full pop-up Skin Studio at the Well Expo, January 17th and 18th. Visit their site for the full details.
Also!!! I'm excited to be able share some personal time with you. It's my favorite way to answer questions and guide you along on your healthy journey!
Where: Hall of Fame Classroom
When: 5:00 pm Friday, January 17th
What: Winter Skincare Tips ~ The All-Natural and Nontoxic Way
See the image below for the overview of the classroom chat. It'll be fun, informative, interactive, and each attendee will get a free sample.
Disconnect to Reconnect
Gain your Peace of Mindfulness
Being mindful has become more popular and mainstream. But... what exactly is being mindful?
It's a New Year! It's 2020, and sometimes with a new year, there can be a lot of noise. This noise can take over and become a form of anxiety; 8 out of 10 people are now reporting to have anxiety or stress in their daily lives.
That noise is sometimes louder inside of our heads than in our ears, unless your ears are ringing from all of the horn blowing and singing that was going while celebrating. :)
The noise of new goals ahead whether work or health related, new ambitions, new hurdles to cross... looking at it over the course of the next year, or even over a few months, can sometimes seem too daunting.
Let's create some quiet within. When there is noise outside or ringing in our ears, it's time to take a deep breath, and ground ourselves. There are physical benefits from being mindful as well, as listed in the image courtesy of The Today Show below.
A little tip... focus on your breath, your mind, your bodily sensations. How about on the feet, or specifically on your toes? Get grounded. This little exercise all of a sudden shifts your focus from your racing mind to your body. Even focusing on your ears and what you're listening to, or your eyes and what you're looking at, can be calming.
This is the practice of being mindful. Practice doesn't make perfect... practice makes possible.
Happy New Year, Friends ~ Thank you for being on this clean journey with us!
~ Lisa
~ fresh ~ authentic ~ sumptuous ~
~ non-toxic, organic ingredients, proven, and high-performing ~
~ effective, award-winning botanical treatments made without compromises ~