“Every Step Can Make a World of Difference”
When Lisa Brill, the founder and lead developer of Qet Botanicals, met with a local volunteer from the planning committee for an upcoming local awareness event and learned more of their support and encouragement offered to cancer survivors, she knew it was event that Qet had to be a part of. Cancer touches so many of us, and with the loss of her mother and other close family members to cancer, having the opportunity to make a difference in the community, and in one person's daily routine, melts at our heartstrings.
Very often, when a change in health has happened, “many survivors undergo a shift in perspective related to health, diet, beauty and clean living principles during their cancer journey,” said Caroline, the volunteer with Globe-athon. Women, in most households, do the purchasing of the food and personal care products. Being a family event, and primarily attended by women, it gave us the chance to educate and enlighten with a donation of our healthy and nontoxic treatments for this worldwide event held locally.
Pure, safe, and effective products. There's a reason we do what we do. Making a change before a life-awakening health nudge is advantageous to the individual, and to the entire family, in countless ways.
It's botanical beauty without compromise. And… it just feels great.