November Special: Thanks & Giving
In addition, we're matching 10% of your purchase and are giving it back to a charity that we love and support.
It's about the kids, and it's about their community.
Read on. ❤️ 🎁 ❤️
Thank you ~ we couldn't do this without you
We appreciate you! 👏 As a 100% independent and woman owned company run by family and friends, we pour our hearts in our day-to-day tasks. Every drop matters to us, and so do you. We enjoy hearing from you, we're honored to share our own wellness remedies with you and your family, and we love what we do. It feels wonderful.
It also feels wonderful to give back to those less fortunate.
🌍 Our world continues to become smaller. No matter where in the world it is, when something hits us in the heartstrings and we feel like we can make a difference, we should.
This month, this is exactly what we're doing.
It's taking that first step, even if it's a small step, that can add up and make a difference for another human, and another child.
This month we're offering a special and a give back.
For you, it's a sitewide sale and a 10% savings on everything! Hooray! 😀
Then, with each purchase you make, we're giving something back for them.
Below: Shannin Pickle, President & Founder of Small Steps for Compassion
We're friends of the founders and family that created and keeps this charity moving ahead... and we sincerely applaud their efforts! We've seen how they've impacted not only today's children, but tomorrow's children, their families, and the entire community.
Ten years ago, they purchased 11 acres in Tanzania, Africa. This was the first step that they took with a vision to help the neglected, abused, and abandoned children in Africa.
That vision has grown into a changed community today. 🌟There was no clean water, so they dug a well. 🌟The community didn't have knowledge on how to become sustainable in their environment, so they taught them how to thrive through vegetation and local food ecosystems. 🌟The education was lacking, so they built a school for 300 students and have employed dozens of adults in the community...
🌟🌟🌟... and they have currently moved more than 25 beautiful girls from an orphanage into safe and loving homes for a lifetime. For a lifetime... not just for a little while. 💗
With their efforts, with their team and volunteers, and with others like us taking small steps to help, this community is being taught to overcome the cycle of poverty, and they're building strong futures for the next generation and beyond.
You SAVE 10% SITEWIDE, enter the code GIveBack, and you directly help us make a difference in 300+ children's everyday lives.
This is the only give back program that we've done this year, and we want to help make a difference for these kids and their families.
Come and join us!

Want to learn more about this outreach?
Here's a link to the Small Steps for Compassion website.
Below: Corrinne Pickle, Vice President of Small Steps for Compassion
~ For Them ~
In November, we will match and give 10% of every purchase that we receive online and in our Skin Studios directly to Small Steps for Compassion.
Each donation helps to support this:
~ the education system, teachers, and school,~ the water well and community water tap,
~ new solar panels,
~ the livestock, produce farm, and fish farm,
~ the local wages,
It also helps achieve their goal of supplying medical care to the community.
💦 ☀️ 🌱 🥕 🏥
~ For You ~
You'll receive 10% off of all of our proprietary treatments that we handmake, hand source, small batch, fulfill, ship, love, and share from our private facilities in Wisconsin and California... which is everything!
Choose from our hair treatments and accessories, our body oils, and all of our face accessories and award winning treatments like...
skin cleansers and facial masks,
exfoliants and eye specialties,
day and night serums,
hair treatments and accessories,
natural perfumes and hand care,
natural deodorants and body moisturizers,
our starter kits (great mindful gifts!!) 🎁
and more.
Our prices range from $9 to $75, and everything in between. There's something for every complexion, for every like-minded and health-conscious friend, and for everyone on your list.
Thank you for having a full heart.
We know that those kids and families in Tanzania may never know what it's like to clean their faces with a Hydrating Cleansing Oil, or apply one or two drops of a Hydra-Rose Eye Serum. Yes, we have privileges and products made available to us that not everyone has.
But what those kids and families in Africa WILL know is that there are people from all over the globe that care for them, that want the best for them, and that love them... even though they've never even met them.
The heart feels the fullest when it can pour a little of its love out to someone in need. What comes back is more than our helping hearts can handle.
~ Lisa
All photos and charity details have been shared with permission by Small Steps for Compassion.
Below: Paul Pickle, Director of Development & Compliance for Small Steps for Compassion
~ fresh ~ authentic ~ sumptuous ~
~ non-toxic, organic ingredients, proven, and high-performing ~
~ effective, award-winning botanical treatments made without compromises ~