Proud to be a Member of The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Even though we're not in the “makeup” industry, we are in the “skin” industry. What you put on your skin first, to cleanse, treat, or hydrate is often more penetrating than makeup that sits on the surface without entering the pores or bloodstream. Safe and healthy skincare must be free of harmful ingredients. This should not even be up for discussion. Unfortunately, until many consumers begin to have a negative reaction to a product, or even worse, a serious turn in health, the ingredients are ignored and the focus is on the claim or packaging of the item. We often hear stories of people becoming hyper sensitive, or even ill, from a slow-overload of harmful ingredients. Selective label reading doesn't help either – you find the 'healthy looking' ingredients and ignore all the other things that can't be pronounced or are foreign. It looks ok, so therefore it must be. Well, not always.
“Do you value providing consumers with safe, non-toxic cosmetics and personal care products? Are you part of the growing green cosmetics industry?”
We answered “Yes… always, of course, you betcha” to these questions, and this led us to become a part of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics.
We're committed to helping educate consumers toward safer alternatives than the conventional products. It's for this very reason we took the first steps long ago to escort all of the questionable and nasty ingredients out of our bathroom and home, and right into the dump. Some of them aren't even safe in the trash dump, let alone on our skin.
Staying in touch with environmental news, events that are happening throughout the globe relative to wellness and health, and seeing what some of the 'conventional brands' are doing to hinder and hide truths from consumers are just a few of the benefits of dialing into this campaign. Unfortunately many of the big brands that stock the shelves have a very big voice. However, it doesn't make their voice one to trust when it comes to labeling and ingredient usage. Blech.
The featured video on the Campaign for Safe Cosmetic's website is a video that we watched years ago and have heard it beating in our hearts ever since. In fact, it was one of the very first things we shared on social media. If you haven't seen it, do your pores and health a favor by taking a few minutes to watch The Story of Cosmetics. Just a few minutes of time may add many enjoyable, healthy moments later.