If your skin changes with the weather… take care of it, and take charge!

Fall weather.
For most of us, this brings so much excitement - leaves changing colors, football games, cooler weather, cozy sweaters, and retiring the flip flops for boots and loafers. The glittery pumpkins adorn our homes, there are colorful mums popping up on front porches, and the glowing warmth of the sun with the fresh breeze on a Sunday afternoon at an apple orchard revives us.
While most think of pumpkin-flavored treats in the fall, at Qet Botanicals, we celebrate HONEY! Honey is a beacon of nutritional and medicinal value. Who has been feeling fall allergies creeping up? Did you know that the anti-inflammatory effects of honey have shown to help reduce the symptoms associated with allergies? Not only that, but honey can act as a natural energy booster when added to a warm cup of water. It can even treat burns and sores as a natural antibiotic.
And, of course, there is the blissful effect that it has on our tastebuds! As apple-picking season is here and we celebrate the health and skin benefits of honey (Yep - skin benefits, too! We're getting to that yet!), we want to share this amazing recipe for Honey Apple Cake. Delicious, aromatic, and a palate pleaser.
Trick... or Treat?
Treat. Definitely, treat. We're not a fan of skincare tricks, and we don't make false claims or hide truths or ingredients. That being said, never underestimate the power of treating your skin with a mask. No, we're not talking about a Halloween mask. Using the right botanical facial mask, just once or twice a week for 10-15 minutes, can mean the difference between decent skin and divine skin. If you haven't tried using a weekly mask in a while, or at all, we encourage you to do so.
As the seasons change, our skin can, too.
... and sadly, it doesn't tend to change for the better.
It's Autumn. No matter where you live, the weather cools, the humidity dies down, and we flip on our furnaces. Irritated and dry skin can set in. In fact, the top two causes of dry skin, according to expert dermatologist Dr. Jessica Wu, are cold-dry weather and indoor heating.
It is this time of year when our common skincare routine may not cut it. You have your essentials down-cleansing, toning, exfoliating (a huge one to help you buff away those dry, rough patches), and moisturizing. Way to go, rockstar! But come colder forecasts, you may find that your skin needs extra treatments and enhancing.
In the spirit of honey, this brings us to celebrate Manuka Honey, a powerfully potent honey different from all the rest. Whether straight from the spoon for the stomach to aid digestion, or to ease a sore throat, or even on the skin, Manuka Honey features high levels of antioxidants and antibacterial agents. These are the secret weapons to maintain perfect skin, or to heal troubled areas and pamper any impurities and imbalances.
Manuka Honey UMF 16+ imported from New Zealand is the true celebrity of our Honey Cream Mask. It's part of our October special pricing, along with its premium partners in our Treat & Enhance Suite.
Celebrity Ingredient of the Month
Manuka Honey UMF 16+
Not all honey is created equally, and this one is certainly the case. The Manuka Bush thrives in the hot New Zealand climate and in some parts of Australia. Bees collect their pollen from the medicinal Manuka Bush which, in turn, makes the medicinal honey potent and powerful. Manuka Honey is rated for its level of activity, and we only use the high rating of 16+ Manuka Honey. At this level, it has a very high germ killing ability, sometimes 200 times stronger than other honeys. All raw, unheated honey can be beneficial to the skin's surface to heal and moisturize, but it's the benefit found in only the Manuka Honey that really kicks up the level of natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties to regenerate and repair cellular damage on all conditions of skin.
This means that if skin is already perfect, or if there is any upset or activity, our Honey Cream Mask can assist by drawing out any impurities and healing inflamed skin, eczema, or acne. Already calm skin will glow after the high level of therapeutic properties are applied and allowed to rest on the skin. The variety of live enzymes, and Vitamins B and C, help to increase oxygen in the pores to escort away the day's debris and impurities.
Our Honey Cream Mask also nourishes by retaining moisture from within the dermis. On another level, it fights collagen-destroying harmful enzymes that can change the appearance of healthy skin. Apply it lightly to dampened skin and allow the natural, stable levels of hydrogen peroxide to become activated and work at detoxifying and healing the skin - safely, effectively, and sweetly.
Sweet! Yes, it certainly is.
Last, but not least ~ it's our new blog.
- We invite you to stay sweetly informed by checking out our newly launched blog. We will have new posts up every month that will work to inform and enhance not only your natural beauty movement, but also your lifestyle and wellness.
- We're so excited to have you join us and discover all of the natural and simple beauties that life has to offer us together!
- We'll always have our newest blogs posted on our social media sites, as well. You can follow all of Qēt's social profiles by clicking on the icons at the very bottom of the homepage.
We look forward to having you join us to get social about natural beauty!