It’s exclusive, it’s between us, and it’s necessary.

We're thrilled to announce that we are the exclusive skincare provider to Retreats Unlimited!
What and who is Retreats Unlimited, you ask?
Take a moment and imagine having four days with a small group of like-minded adventurers, or a getaway with your significant other, in a beautiful, luxury resort in a hand selected, drool-worthy location.
Next, imagine an expert in a chosen field - that you choose - to guide you, nourish you, and re-set your energy, get you back on track, or just give you a necessary boost. Yoga, self-improvement, fitness, a couple's retreat... in beautiful, tropical locations... for you to take part in. Delight.
At the end of the day, each guest will have a selection of Qet Botanicals to wind-down with. Your organic retreat has come full circle. Upon rising, your Qet will be there to start your day of nourishing direction.
We couldn't be more thrilled to be teamed-up with the experts and mindful ambassadors at Retreats Unlimited. It's beautiful, mind-altering, and oh-so-necessary. Yes, we absolutely do deserve this.
Photo via Retreats Unlimited