From Scarves to Skincare – Wrap Yourself in Natural Luxury

Do you know the feeling of that very first morning when you walk out your door and the cold breath of nature brushes up against your face? It's that cool, dry wisp of air that makes your shoulders shrug and the thought "Brrr... I need to remember my scarf tomorrow..." crosses your mind. Yes, the season is changing; it's time to wrap yourself up and protect your skin and hair in natural luxury.
The Season is Getting in Full Swing
Have you gotten your fill of apple treats and pumpkin spice delicacies? Not to worry... there's still plenty of room for fall pleasures in November. We're kicking it up (and perhaps kicking up the heat of our furnaces?) as we gracefully move into the season of Thankfulness.
We're Thankful for You
November is the month of Thankfulness. After all, we don't spend a whole day creating a feast and enjoying a piece (or two) of pumpkin pie for no reason. Have you seen your many Facebook friends post something they are thankful for each day in November? It's a great practice ~ always fun to see what others are thankful for, and it's a fantastic tool for reminding us what really matters and keeps us moving from season to season. Give it a try this year!
What is Qet Botanical's focus during this month of being thankful? Why, it's YOU, our Qet friend and customer. In fact, we want to give our loyal Q et-sters a special discount this month.
THIS IS OUR BIGGEST SAVINGS OF THE YEAR. We'd love to hear your Qet story! Send it to and we will send you an exclusive 20% SAVINGS discount code to apply towards your November purchase (in store or online). Gift giving is right around the corner. Stock up now for those stockings and hard-to-buy-for special friends.
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Be it that you are a new Qet user, or a seasoned natural beauty extremist, please share your skin-story with us!
Cozying Up with Cranberries and Scarves
While you may have forgotten your scarf from time to time, we hope that your skin has all of its defenses ready to combat the ever-growing bitterness that fills the air as we near the winter season. (We know... the "w" word... Sorry!)
The Holiday season (it's a-coming) is a time to celebrate the many gifts that we are given throughout the year. In Wisconsin, the home of Qet, we have many traditions. Did you know that Wisconsin produces over 60% of the nation's cranberry crop every year? In fact, just a couple of counties Northwest of Qē t's Skin Studio in Cross Plains, some of the highest acreage in cranberry production takes place (... just a little nugget of interesting info to reflect on as you enjoy your cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving).
Cranberries are not only the focal point of cranberry sauce; if you'd like, give this tried and true cranberry sauce recipe a try for your Thanksgiving meal this year. Cranberry seed oil is a celebrity in many of Qēt's core products. As seasons come and go, we want to protect our skin from the many environmental and life elements and, you guessed it, cranberry seed oil's rich abundance of its unique and perfect ratio of Omegas-3, 6, 9, and Vitamin E can help to combat many skin blunders.
Celebrity Ingredient of the Month
Cranberry Seed Oil (vaccinium macrocarpon)
We use a generous amount of cranberry in many of our facial treatments. Coming soon is a new Antioxidant Mask loaded with a bevy of cranberry benefits. The oils that are cold pressed from the seeds offer a perfectly balanced ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 and 9 fatty acids. This prized facial oil absorbs completely into the skin while nourishing deeply. It offers exceptional hydration and allows your skin to absorb the Vitamins A and E, potent antioxidants, and other wholesome nutrients that will give your skin the endurance to power through the upcoming months of cooler temps and drier elements.
Our cold-pressed cranberry seed oil is a coveted hydrating and anti-aging skin ingredient. Because it is so high in antioxidants, this seed's oil provides protection from free radicals that are damaging. Free radicals can accelerate the appearance of aging and tired skin.
We invite you to check out a few of our Qet skin luxuries that contain this rich, skin-loving oil:
- Hydra-Rose Eye Serum
- Restoring Day Serum
- Restoring Night Serum
- Hydrating Day Serum
- Hydrating Night Serum
- Balancing Day Serum
- Balancing Night Serum
- Honey Cream Mask
- Lavish Serum Salve
- Eye Makeup Remover
- Lip Gloss with Olive & Avocado
The Qet Corner
Here's What's Coming Up ~
Stop and shop with us at the BRAVA Women's Expo. We're so excited to be exhibiting at this event for the third year in a row. We will also be on stage doing an interactive product walk-through with three gals and sharing skin tips on What's to Love in our 30s, 40s, 50s and forward. Overall the event shares great products and brands with a whole lot of guiltless fun ~ just for the ladies! We hope to see you there!
New Product Launch: Just in time for gift giving, it's our Antioxidant Mask with Cranberry and it's going to be available soon! It's a brand new facial mask loaded with a bevy of free-radical fighting age defiers.
Stay tuned for this and a couple of other products we have up our sleeves.