Celebrating Antioxidants and Rose in Skincare + The Relationship between UV, Blue Light and our Skin
The benefits of authentic and pure rose in skincare.

~ It’s Time to Fall in Love… with your Skin ~
Known as the Flower of Youth, this month we’re celebrating the rose
and its beautiful benefits for our skin and wellbeing.
Yes.. rose is great for your skin, and your mood.
It's not just a pretty face! 🌹 It's proven that authentic and pure rose is a powerful skin and mind-benefitting botanical. The secret is in its authenticity and quality. Keep in mind that the rose 'fragrance' or synthetic form of rose is not the same.
Rose oil nutrients and actives can help to clear skin, strengthen and hydrate, protect against blue light and UV rays, and even age-defy skin.
As a bonus, the natural constituents of true rose are also shown to benefit our wellbeing and mind in powerful, positive ways.
The short of it... it's not just a pretty flower. It's a powerhouse that when used correctly and in its truest and highest quality, is definitely more than just a pretty face.
Below: Our rose-infused treatments in our Getting Started Facial Kit

The Pandemic's Pause
In this whirlwind of pandemic madness, there have been some good things that have come out of this period in time... many are having more family time, priorities are often getting back on track, decluttering the home space can be a welcomed chore, and people are caring more about the ingredients they surround themselves with every day.
Then there's the flip side... if there's one thing that many of us have done more of lately... it's spending time in front of a screen.
While we may have been slowing down a bit, possibly working more from a home office or home school than being out, our skin may be getting less time exposed to strong, natural sunlight. It's also winter and we may be behind a face protecting mask. But we HAVE been getting more light than before... from our screens.
Whether it's a computer, tv, or phone, many of us have added more hours to time in front of a screen. In case you haven't heard, the light from our screens is harmful to the health of our eyes... and our skin.
Yes, it's true. Studies have shown that blue light rays can cause sensitive skin to be a little more sensitive, it can cause skin to be less pliable, and the blue light's reach is far into the dermis where it can cause our cells to shrink and even die, which causes aging of the skin.
Q. So what's a gal and guy to do?
A. Feed the skin with antioxidants. A whole lot of them. ⚡
Here we go ~ let's address the concern.

The Relationship between UV, Blue Light, and our Skin
Blue light, also known as Heavy Electrical Visible light (HEV) isn't known to cause cancer like UV light, but like UV rays, it can react negatively on our eyes and skin.
The good news is that there's no need to rush out and buy an additional product to protect yourself. Because... guess what... if you're already a Qēt friend and are using any of our botanical toners and day and night serums, you're already protected! 👏👏👏 See... there's always good news to share somewhere.
The best way to combat blue light stress on the skin is with a clean and real dose of antioxidants and vitamins in your daily routine.
Antioxidants. Botanicals. Clean Ingredients...
these are always
The ABCs of Qēt Botanicals
in developing and sharing treatments with you.
In case you missed it: here's a quick look at another C in skincare that's beneficial. Ceramides! Our recent newsletter shares natural vs. synthetic ceramides, why they're important in skincare, and how you're already getting their benefits if you're a friend of Qēt. We've added it to our blog here for your reference.
💮 💮 💮
What Skin Care Means to Qēt Botanicals
Skin care is caring for the skin. It's not overdoing it with the latest hype and dozens of products each containing dozens and dozens of individual ingredients.
☑️ Skin care should be enjoyable and simple.
☑️ Skin care should be less ingredients with higher quality.
☑️ With a shorter ingredient list, the better the celebrity ingredients can perform, and the less chance we have of having a reaction.
☑️ The right skin care formula is a fresh blend of real ingredients that work well together, that get the job done, and that do it safely, thoroughly, and effectively ... with a side of enjoyment and mood boosting wellbeing.
☑️ Yep, we got this.
Below: Restoring Day Serum

Why Should We All Use and Love Antioxidants?
Antioxidants are savvy, skin-repairing hard little workers. An antioxidant is what helps to fight the free radicals. The free radicals are those nasty influencers that cause our skin to premature age, become tired looking, and reduce collagen.
The three best antioxidants are Vitamins A, C, and E. When used separately, and especially together!, they can help to decrease the risk of damage from UV, blue light, and pollution.
Other antioxidants that are worth mentioning are curcurmin (aka turmeric, as found in our Spot Serum), resveratrol (found in grape seed oil as in our Balancing Day Serum and Lite Garden Serum for Body), green tea (we're big fans of our organic Matcha tea in various treatments and in all of our exfoliants) and lycopene (found in roses) are three additional antioxidants. These also help to reduce inflammation, even-out the complexion, promote collagen, and limit the amount of oxidative stress that happens when we're out in the sunshine... or looking at our screens. 😎
You can rest assured that all of our antioxidants and vitamins are in their 100% natural form in our treatments. Also know that we formulate the actives in our treatments in safe levels. Even with the most natural of ingredients, sometimes too much can be too much.

Celebrity Spotlight: The Rose
What makes roses so special? They share a very delicate oil; it takes almost 45 pounds (45 POUNDS of petals!!) of petals to produce just 0.3 ounces, or about 10 ml, of rose oil. It's a very premium oil, and this is why many formulas use a lesser quality and often synthetic oil.
Not us! 🌹
When we gain the benefits from real roses, with it we're getting wonderful amounts of Vitamins A, B, E, C, and K, and lycopene. These antioxidants and vitamins can help to strengthen our skin, and protect it from (here we go again...) that UV and blue light, and other scavengers that rob our skin of its youthful glow.
However, too much Vitamin C can be too much. In the example of synthetic Vitamin C serums that are so popular on the shelves out there, the side affects of too much of a synthetic vitamin serum can actually be toxic. That antioxidant can actually become a pro-oxidant, which means it can allow oxidation on the skin to happen, which is something we don't want. This, unfortunately, can increase cell damage causing skin sensitivity, peeling, and even cause bumps and tumors.
Rose oil is as lovely on the skin and for the mind as the petals are on the flower.
Inflamed skin doesn't function properly, and rose oil aids can aid in reducing inflammation. Redness on skin can be lessened, acne and skin mishaps can become calmed, lines are diminished. Our complexions can show their glowy and healthy selves again.
There is such a natural high antioxidant count in pure rose oil that it assists our skin to escort out any toxins that might otherwise slow down our skin's natural healing process. The natural replenishment and regeneration of our skin is happily nudged to be more efficiently... naturally. Good job, roses!
Below: Our Blooming Tea Bath ~ An Afternoon in Paris

It's no wonder we love roses so much! Read on for their mood boosting benefits.
It's not only about the benefits of what happens with real rose in our skincare; it's also about what our nose takes in and how our mind and body reacts.
In our skincare, in the shower or tub... the aromatherapy of the rose's natural compounds are touted as delivering healing benefits, too.
Our mind and body receives lovely messages from roses. The messages they send affect our senses... our sense of smell, and even our thought processes. These special little flowers may help to lower stress levels, reduce stress, stimulate circulation, benefit our immunity function, and even boost our mood.
Here are a few health concerns where rose essential oil has come into play as being a helpful botanical buddy:
- anxiety
- depression
- moodiness
- menstrual cramps
- menopausal symptoms
- headache and migraine relief
Great benefits from this delicate and premium flower!

Your February Special ~
It's Time to Fall in Love with your Skin!
Authentic and pure rose is proven to be a powerful skin and mind-benefitting botanical. Infused treatments with rose address a wide-array of skin conditions and can add to our happiness and a positive emotional wellbeing. Their antioxidants and vitamins can help to clear skin, strengthen skin and hydrate, and protect against blue light, UV rays, and they even offer age-defying help.
Use code LoveMySkin
Hand-blended shortly before sharing, this special includes the following lovelies:
Side Note: When using any essential oils, remember that they are essential to us as our own bodies don't produce them, but they are to be used in safe and moderate amounts. We always take this into consideration and practice safe methods in our formulations.

It's Time to Make the Switch
In times where there is much out of our control, it's wonderful to give ourselves a few moments of something that we CAN control...
... a little self-love, a little me-time, a little moment to care for our well being.
In this month of Valentine's and love, share it, and make sure to keep some for yourself. The next time to you see a rose in the garden or in a vase, think about what it gives us. It's important for us to realize that there are many safe and natural solutions for many health problems, skin or otherwise.
It's time to grasp these natural remedies and ingredients, learn about them, and understand them as a wholesome and holistic alternative to many synthetic pharmaceutical products. That's not to say we will never reach for a prescription again, but it IS to say that there may be a natural alternative without any harmful side effects or warnings on the label.
So as they say, it's time to wake up and smell the roses! It's time to let nature in and let the synthetics go.
With hugs and roses,
xx 🌹🌹🌹 xx
~ Lisa