Being Mindful with Less

Why do we need to be mindful?
Do we need to do it, and what exactly does 'being mindful' mean?
It's a popular buzzword lately, and for good reason. We're seeing this word being thrown around a lot these days - in business and when at home. As people are dialing-in to social situations all around them ~ constantly ~ it's important to wait, stop a moment, and internally reboot. Having a mindful mind certainly reaps many benefits - mentally, spiritually, and even physically.
Jon Hamm (Don Draper) of the AMC Series "Mad Men," being mindful and finding his center.
It's about the PresentNot the kind that's tied with a bow.
Connecting with the here and now is proven to be more fulfilling internally; it can also offer a better return for success for whatever it is that we're doing. It's all about purposefully paying attention to the present without any judgment. Completing a work project? Researching data? Doing the dishes? Having focus on just what it is that we're doing ~ rather than what it is that we should be doing next, or didn't do before, or what has to be done before the weekend ~ makes what we're doing have a positive outcome. It's proven that one thing is often done better than when we're juggling around many 'brain clutters' at the same time. Unless you're a juggler... then go for it!
In many areas, our current culture shows burnout and exhaustion as a badge of honor. Let's stop the distractions and tap into our creative avenues, our well being, and those things we really value... and move forward with one task as a time.
'Monotasking' describes exactly this function ~ focusing on one project at a time. If we start something but have that nagging voice in the head, stop and take charge. Empty thoughts on a piece of paper, write down intentions, scribble down all the ideas so we don't forget them, and revel in the golden light when we can happily cross them off the list after we've completed what we're doing. Ba-da-bing!
Being a modern-day multitasker does have its place. Can we learn to step back, quiet the mind. and find our center? Yes, we can, and with practice, it becomes easier, stress naturally lessens, and our brain can have the chance to release its happy chemicals ~ dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. By the way, these chemicals we whole-heartily allow in our lab.
It's the later, too.
Just like following a successful, healthy-living plan, whether this includes a better way to eat slowly and enjoy healthy meals, a nudge to get moving for at least 20 minutes every day, or reading ingredients and taking care of our skin and body (hello?! ~ this one is necessary, too!), it's not a hit-or-miss game plan. It's an everyday project. Every single day. Want to have a slumpy day? Of course we all have those, but overall, it is about the every day choices we make with our fork, they ways we get our heart pumping, and what it is we're going to put on our bodies and allow into our minds.
Here is our opportunity! Here are three every-day choices we all make. Let's make them great!
1. What we put inside (organic food choices, clean eating).
2. What we put on the outside (nontoxic, safe skin and body care).
3. The thoughts that we think (meditation, being grateful, positive mindful thinking - just five minutes a day).
Our daily walk on an invigorating day.
What do mindful people do every day?Here are a handful of mindful things that mindful people do everyday... just to get us going:
- They allow themselves to feel what it is they're feeling - no judgment.
- They do something creative or fun.
- They don't take themselves too seriously ~ find humor and lightness.
- They know when and when NOT to check their phones.
- They are aware of what goes into their bodies and minds.
- They reboot when needed - brain and soul.
- They take time outdoors and fit in a walk.
- They pay more attention to the every-day tasks.
- They monotask and take frequent, small brain breaks.
- They look for adventure and new experiences.
Being mindful with less... it's less clutter in the mind, it's less clutter in our spaces, and it's zero tolerance for anything that is harmful, hormone disrupting, or hazardous - even in the most miniscule amounts - with the hair, skin, and body products that we reach for every morning and night. And the side effects? They are:
- a healthy functioning body not being encumbered with ingredients that the body can react to - often in a negative way; and
- a mind that is whole-heartily accepting how we're being nourished and are caring for our selves.
Take THAT you superfluous ingredient lists out there!
Getting Better at Being MindfulJust like I've found in yoga, practice makes possible... not perfect. Being mindful isn't a once-in-a-while thing. Doing it regularly, even every day, makes the difference and makes it possible. Less is definitely more when it comes to keeping our treatments clean and high-performing. We'd rather highlight the true celebrity ingredients we use in our treatments than hide them in unnecessary fillers. Additionally, because our products are pure and concentrated, a little goes a long way. Every drop definitely counts.
In February, we're sharing a special on the following pampering, self-love, mindful treatments for the senses, the body, and the face. SAVE 10% on these full-sized curated products.
First, for the senses are our Botanical Nectars. Perfumes and false fragrances are the biggest allergens out there and are typically made of hundreds (hundreds!) of artificial chemicals. We're members of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. They recently shared this blurb about the toxic ingredients in fragrances you'll find out there and the harm, anxiety, and even heart palpitations they can cause.
Our 100% petal derived natural perfume oils.
Our perfume oils are made of 100% pure petal power without any synthetics. We have a scent suite of three: our Lavender Botanical Nectar, our Jasmine Botanical Nectar, and our Rosewood Botanical Nectar.
For the body, it's our Fresh Body Oil. We have found that this is the perfect body oil for dry brushing, shaving, massage, and as a cleansing oil for the body in the shower.
Our Fresh Body Oil with our body brush - perfect mates in the shower.
For the face, it's our Antioxidant Mask with Cranberry. Great for all skin conditions with its limited, pure ingredients, this mask is like an antioxidant-loaded, multi-vitamin for the skin.
Limited ingredients, and perfectly wonderful.
This month, we're putting these favorites in the celebrity spotlight. Use this code for the savings: MINDFULQET. Code valid while shopping in our e-boutique or in our Skin Studio on these full sized products during the month of February.
Words to Sharefrom Amy, Qet customer.
A good friend of mine recommended Qet a little over a year ago, and I have loved it since I first tried it. I used to have breakouts on my forehead and chin while also having dry skin on my cheeks, especially in the summer. Once my skin was used to the oils, it's been clear ever since. The smell of all of the products lifts my mood each time I use them. I was first worried that the price was too high, but you only need such a small amount that it's really not much different than the products I used to use. Plus, I use fewer things and it takes less time! I never would have guessed that using an oil on my face would clean it so well that my acne would clear up....but I love it!"
"Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance." ~ Amit Ray, Mindfulness : Living in the Moment - Living in the Breath
Let's go out and dance like no one is watching ~ and be completely mindful about it!
~ Lisa