Authority Magazine Interview with Founder/CEO Lisa Brill. The Modern Beauty Industry: It's Personal, It's the How, It's the Why, and It's about the Love Poured into the Brand

👉 If you're a fan of using safe ingredients in your every day life, 👉 if you enjoy using natural skincare personal care products that are effective and make you smile, 👉 if you're finding that many 'clean' products out there aren't really all they're cracked up to be, 👉 and if you're just wanting to clean up your routine and have peace of mind that what you can't see in your treatments, as well as what's on the label, are real and trustworthy... 👉 well, if this sounds like you, then yes... these words are for you.
It's not always about the outcome or goal when we start or finish something. Often, it's about the passion and the meaning behind each step that leads to that place, or that brand, or that product.
After all, our treatments that we develop, research, use, and share with you are for us, just as they are for you and your family, too.
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An Interview with Jilea Hemmings for Authority Magazine
Per Authority Magazine: As a part of our series about “Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry,” I had the pleasure of interviewing Lisa Brill.
Lisa Brill, Founder and CEO of Qēt Botanicals is all about feeling good about what you eat, how you live, and how you take care of yourself. Qēt Botanicals is based on these principles and was born out of the need for fresh and effective premium care for our face, body, and hair — without the use of toxins, synthetics, or harmful chemicals or preservatives.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?
The short of it? My skin made me do it! The entire reason that Qēt Botanicals (pronounced “keet”) was born in the first place was because of my skin condition, my changing health, and my sensitivities. Between visits to my endocrinologist, dermatologist, enzyme specialist, and allergist, I was frustrated and at my wit’s end. My hair was thinning, I was running fevers on and off for weeks, my skin was inflamed and bumpy with flushing and red bumps that would linger, and I went through times of crazy fatigue and rashes on my arms and legs. It was my auto immune condition, Rosacea, and a thyroid imbalance all yelling at me. I was already pretty clean in the kitchen, but my bathroom and care products could have been cleaner even though I was using “natural” products. For years prior, I was learning more about how different ingredients could cause our hormones to fluctuate and become imbalanced, and how toxins and synthetics could wreak havoc on our internal systems and organs. Each ingredient that could potentially be harmful could ultimately affect us internally, as well as our largest organ that shows it all… our skin. Youch.
Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?
It’s heartfelt when we see a customer that’s frustrated with their skin condition. They have a hard time connecting with eye contact, and you can see and feel that their confidence level is shot. We offer suggestions and a little help, and off they go. Fast forward a few weeks and the same person bounces in, smiling, making eye contact with us, and feeling like a new person all because they’ve finally found a friend for their skin condition. Many times people feel that they’re alone and they share their story with us by email or in one of our Skin Studios. It’s then that they realize they’re not alone, and that there are often clean and healthy ways to care for themselves that don’t have adverse side effects on our delicate systems. It never ceases to amaze us to see the happiness and transition in a person’s demeanor and confidence when they’ve found something that helps. No matter what, it’s our confidence that walks into a room first, not our skin. Getting our confidence back really shines brightly.
Are you able to identify a “tipping point” in your career when you started to see success? Did you start doing anything different? Are there takeaways or lessons that others can learn from that?
There was a tipping point when I had to take matters into my own hands because I wasn’t finding effective and natural treatments. I started making a list of all of the ingredients I was using every day from cleanser to moisturizer to wrinkle cream to acne to deodorant, and so on. I listed them on my computer, printed them out, and then began highlighting every ingredient that could be potentially harmful or toxic to me or my hormones. Wow! What an awakening. To see it like that in yellow highlighter and black and white all in one place, it really hit me hard. We don’t always think about how many ingredients are included in one product, then multiply it by a few other products, and there you have it. It was astonishing! I could see not only the ‘clean’ ingredients in those ‘natural’ products I was using, but the dozens and dozens of harmful and synthetic ingredients I was slathering, patting, and spreading on to my skin. Then came the big purge ~ bags of “it” all going out to the trash to make room for a clean start. That was 10+ years ago… I wish I still had that list of ingredients… and this was the beginning of it all. It’s often our struggles and challenges that make us stronger, and smarter.
None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person to whom you are grateful who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?
There isn’t one, but rather a family, and a tribe of others that I look up to and respect. My family has always been super supportive; my husband has been a wonderful sounding board (sometimes whether he wanted to be or not) and our children as well. After years of formulating behind closed doors, Qēt was launched on my 46th birthday in 2013. I had years of frustration, struggles, and remedies behind me and knew what my skin needed and what I wanted to do. I’m also fortunate to have the team in and behind the scenes that we do at Qēt. I’m lucky enough to work closely with family and friends, instead of just co-workers. Our day-to-day team is a group of like-minded, passionate people. It feels good and brings joy to do something worthwhile and share something we all feel so strongly about. Until you have your own business, you really can’t understand that it’s always on and it can be consuming. Additionally, connecting with other business owners is paramount and necessary, too! Yes, we all are on the same team, and we lift each other up. I recognize and appreciate the goodness that surrounds us, and because of that, it makes us grateful for every day.
Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. The global beauty industry today has grown to more than a half a trillion dollar business. Can you tell us about the innovations that you are bringing to the industry? How do you think that will help people?
Perhaps our most prized innovation is the simplicity, authenticity, and realness of our treatments. There are no smoke and mirrors here. Zero synthetics, and we even avoid the so-called ‘safe’ synthetics, zero ‘trademarked’ names that can include literally dozens of additional ingredients, zero false fragrances, zero animal parts or by-products, zero added fillers or water. Blending in small, precise batches of only known, authentic, proven, and high performing plant-based ingredients makes a huge difference. People are demanding cleaner products because of sensitivities, and they need to know the truth. Each of our treatments in their natural and purest state contain an abundance of active antioxidants, vitamins, and good-for-you ingredients. Synthetics just can’t mimic a real ingredient’s abilities. Unfortunately, it’s our transparency and openness about our ingredients that is innovative in the beauty industry. Many ingredients are hidden or not mentioned at all. It’s all of this authenticity, and more, that we bring to the table that not only has a positive impact on people and the users of these products, but it also trickles into every aspect of where the ingredients come from. The healthy soils, truthful farming methods, the natural harvest, and the sustainable methods of the origin of each plant based and authentic ingredient speaks volumes. There are more mass produced and stale products sitting on the shelves than ever before. Sensitivities and health concerns continue to rise, too. Finding that safe and fresh outlook on how we care for ourselves on a regular basis adds up for us and our surroundings.
Can you share 3 things that most excite you about the modern beauty industry?
(1) The green and clean beauty industry continues to flourish. Yay! The nod and recognition that natural ingredients can not only be more effective than synthetic versions, but it is being welcomed and proven that there is also a wonderful and better outcome to using pure and performing ingredients. (2) There is peace of mind that comes from feeding our skin with safe and clean treatments that we can trust (and it’s one less thing to think about!). (3) The thriving wellness movement within the modern beauty industry is not just about exercise and food, but also remedies and how we feed our skin. We can’t live a healthy and thriving life eating fast, fake and artificial, low-quality foods. Likewise, our skin can’t be its best on fast, fake, and artificial low-quality ingredients either.
Can you share 3 things that most concern you about the industry? If you had the ability to implement 3 ways to improve the industry, what would you suggest?
(1) False marketing often influences people to buy without understanding the possible side effects or negative ramifications of feeding our skin and bodies with synthetics every morning and night. “Trademarked” names and ‘fragrance’ ingredients should reveal all of their hidden ingredients. (2) There are still too many sustainability issues when it comes to manufacturing practices and ingredient selection that affect our environment negatively. The Earth is all we have, we can’t keep taking and increasing our carbon footprint without understanding the damaging side effects. (3) The number of toxic and synthetic ingredients that are still allowed in skincare and cosmetics is ridiculous. We’ve been a member of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics for 8 years, and according to them, “the European Union has banned 1,328 chemicals from cosmetics that are known or suspected to cause cancer, genetic mutation, reproductive harm or birth defects. In comparison, the U.S. has only banned or restricted 11 chemicals from cosmetics.” This number continues to fluctuate as more chemicals are being developed. If people really understood this, I mean really understood this, there may be a healthier relationship between people and their care products, and our global resources, as a whole.
You are an expert about beauty. Can you share a few ideas that anyone can use “to feel beautiful”?
We have three words painted on our walls that we see in the Skin Studio. Beautiful. Natural. Confident. Our most natural and confident state can be our most vulnerable and beautiful. To ‘be’ beautiful is simply to ‘feel’ beautiful. By taking just those few feel-good moments to fill-up our happy cup can help. (1) Give ourselves a two minute facial and scalp massage. (2) Set a timer while relaxing in a comfortable place to read, think, or meditate so we don’t have to cut it short or look at the clock. (3) Spend time gathering good ingredients to whip-up a favorite meal, and savor each bite. (4) Reset our system by getting a little Vitamin N ~ nature. A little outdoor time to inhale… and exhale it out… slowly and deliberately. We are our best caregivers… we can’t forget that.
Here is the main question for our discussion. Based on your experience and success, Can you please share “Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry”. Please share a story or an example, for each.
1. If you don’t take care of yourself, it will be hard to take care of anyone else, let alone a business. Without your health, your drive, your ambition, it will be difficult to start the process on day one. Those moments of self care, no matter how exhausted and busy we are, help to nurture our mind and body to help build and lead the team. Our body listens to what our mind thinks, take the time to reset the mind. Then we’ve received that extra boost to share the momentum with those on your team that can help you achieve what it is that we want to achieve. Self care, goal setting, quiet time, work time, play time, it’s a balancing act, and sometimes our balance is off. It can take practice to get it right, and practice doesn’t make it perfect, it just makes it possible.
2. Take the first step because it’s something you believe in, no matter what. Too many times that ‘idea’ is talked about, then often the person talks themselves out of it and that first step isn’t taken. Take that first step, and feel good about it!
3. Take the time to communicate and care for others and your customers. They want to know that you care about them, and you do, so don’t be afraid to show them.
4. Be accountable for what you share with them and believe in what you’re doing. Stay true to your truths and the path that you’re on. There are many different roads going in different directions out there. Listen to your gut and your heart. You do you better than anyone else, so be your best you.
5. You’re a gardener. There are weeds in every garden. Keep your head down and keep pulling those weeds. With your hard work and dedication to your craft, your garden will bloom beautifully.
If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)
“This is me.” These words come to mind when we share our experiences and talk through struggles and triumphs. It’s about our uniqueness, our abilities, and what makes us different than the next person
, which is 100% wonderful! Yes… “This is me.”
Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?
“This is what I train for.” Ups, downs, struggles, victories, learning moments, humble moments, inspiring moments… it’s the journey in life, it’s about how we get there, and it’s about how we handle it. All those little and big things that surround us are a part of us. We may not even realize it, but we’re in training every day for what’s around the next corner.
How can our readers follow you online?
Our website is loaded with blogs, content, product details, tips, and videos… and it’s all in one place at On Instagram and Facebook we can be found at QetBotanicals as well.
Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.
Thank you for being here! Feel free to reach out with any questions that may come up... our communication doors are always wide open.
From the heart, and with heartfelt thanks,
~ Lisa
~ fresh ~ authentic ~ sumptuous ~
~ non-toxic, organic ingredients, proven, and high-performing ~
~ effective, award-winning botanical treatments made without compromises ~