What’s In a Name?

What's in a name? We get asked what our name, Qet, ("keet") means all of the time.
Three main reasons we chose this name... 1. all of our formulations are original so we needed the same in our name; 2. we strive to keep each product limited to only what is needed without anything extra - short and sweet name with no extra letters; and 3. we celebrate the fact that we develop, manufacture, and fill all from our Cross Plains lab - we needed a name that is as unique as we are.
Viola, Qet was born!
Our favorite branding firm, Modern Species, now in Seattle but previously in Madison, helped us make it look as special as it is - wispy bang on the Q included.
We just received our official Certificate from the United States Patent & Trademark Office that Qet is officially registered to us. Almost a two year process, and so worth the wait.