Treat yourself, and your skin, with real ingredients. Never have a dull moment this summer.

As the temperatures rise, keeping pores clear and making way for skin nourishment and protection is key. Our cleansing oils, and weekly use of our exfoliants will keep skin happy, pores clear, and faces smiling. And that's just the beginning of our beautiful routine ~ literally.
Summer can mean different things for all of us.
June 21st marks the Summer Solstice. What's on your summer bucket list?
- Taking a spontaneous road trip?
- Spending at least one afternoon a month relaxing in a hammock?
- Exploring a new bike and hiking path?
- Indulging in a saucy barbeque with family and friends?
- How about… loving your skin?
RADIANT SKIN TIPS ~ Never Have a “Dull” Moment this Summer
Let’s not have dull skin be a part of your summer bucket list. Below are four naturally-loaded beauty champions to help you beat weathered, tired skin this summer.
Cleansing Oil ~ we offer a cleanser specific to each of our Balancing, Hydrating, or Restoring Skin Suites. Our cleansing oil method is the most thorough, gentle, and best way to cleanse and keep the pores clear.
Clay or Herbal Exfoliant ~ French Green Clay in the Balancing suite, Moroccan clay in the Hydrating suite, or Kaolite clay in the Restoring skin suite. Three different types of impurity absorbing clays blended within a healing recipe of healing herbs, flowers, and gluten free softening colloidal oats. No need to scrub, we let the elements do the work for us. Use our clay exfoliant if you want to pull out impurities from within the pores. Our herbal exfoliants contain a fine powder of Himalayan Pink Salt to gently remove dead cells and a dull surface. There is no clay in the herbal exfoliant, but it does include the same skin loving healing herbs, flowers, and gluten free softening oats. Softening and smoothing, there is no need to scrub with our herbal exfoliants as the ingredients will do the work while we take in the essence of their natural gifts.
Day Serums ~ All three of our day serums in our skin suites offer different levels of moisture, nourishment, and protection. Our day serums differ from our night serums as they contain natural botanical oils that offer UVA and UVB protection because of their high levels of antioxidants and natural sun filtering properties. If a sun block is used, it should be applied over the day serum as the last step.
Honey Cream Mask ~ Manuka honey, gentle clay, and cranberry helps to purify and detoxify the skin's surface to promote further softness and healing.
Take Time This Summer to LOVE Your Skin
With the busyness of summer, it can be really easy to forget to take care of ourselves – eating well, getting sufficient sleep at the end of those long, hot summer days, and taking care of our skin and body. From sun, to sweat, to makeup, to pollution and beyond, our skin can easily become depleted during our beloved summers. The elements just listed really take their toll on our pores.
Think of your pores as tiny, yet incredibly powerful, little sponges. Whatever they may be surrounded by, your pores will take on. Without the proper care and attention, your pores can become overloaded with these harmful components and become weathered and enlarged. What many are not always aware of is the impact that the pores and skin can have on the rest of our bodies. Those little sponges absorb the harmless (and the harmful!) elements that are then carried further into our system. If the ingredients are harmful, our entire system can be impacted and inflamed. Treat your skin gently, regularly, and with our proven, skin-loving actives. Then you, and your skin, will be happy!
You’ve taken this time to learn more about how to care for your skin this summer. Bravo! Take the next step and give yourself the summer of fun, laughter, memories and beautifully-cared-for skin!
Learn more about Qet and the power behind our natural botanicals.
Do you have a specific question or skin struggle? We’re here to listen and help – please email us at for personalized skincare guidance and bring you the relief you deserve. Discover the stories of the many others that we have helped in these testimonials.
The Qet Botanicals Beauty Blog is Coming
We're happy to announce that we'll soon be sharing our botanical beauty blog that will serve as the hot spot for skincare and beauty news, along with wellness information and tips.
Learn more about finding the truth in your skin and beauty products in our first blog.